AQUA1 Products

Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse

Bjørn Frengstad, Scientific officer

As of the substances and qualities measured, the water satisfies all demands in existing drinking water regulations in Norway and EU. From a healthy point of view, the mineral composition is favourable, with low concentrations of sodium, nitrogen, heavy metals and fluorine, as well as a relatively high level of calcium and bicarbonate. pH (level of sourness) is ideal.

AQUA1 Natural Mineral Water

0,33 LITRE

0,50 LITRE

1,00 LITRE

Typical bilogical characteristic for  Aqua1 Natural Mineral Water

Typical chemical characteristic for

Aqua1 Natural Mineral Water

AQUA1 Flavoured Water 

0,33 LITRE

0,50 LITRE

1,00 LITRE

AQUA1 Functionalwater

0,25 LITRE

0,33 LITRE

0,50 LITRE

AQUA1 Flavoured Water 





Green Tea 

AQUA1 Functionalwater 

Blueberry: Antioxidants: Caffein, A, B6, B9, B12, D

Strawberry: Recover: B6, B12, D, Magnesium, Sodium

Peach: Upenergy: Calcium, B9, B12, Magnesium, Zinc

Lemon: Aware: C, Calcium, E, Postassium, Zelenium

Green Tea: Protect: B9, B12, C, D, Sodium, Zinc

Aqua1 Products