Bjørn Frengstad, Scientific officer
As of the substances and qualities measured, the water satisfies all demands in existing drinking water regulations in Norway and EU. From a healthy point of view, the mineral composition is favourable, with low concentrations of sodium, nitrogen, heavy metals and fluorine, as well as a relatively high level of calcium and bicarbonate. pH (level of sourness) is ideal.
Green Tea
Blueberry: Antioxidants: Caffein, A, B6, B9, B12, D
Strawberry: Recover: B6, B12, D, Magnesium, Sodium
Peach: Upenergy: Calcium, B9, B12, Magnesium, Zinc
Lemon: Aware: C, Calcium, E, Postassium, Zelenium
Green Tea: Protect: B9, B12, C, D, Sodium, Zinc